Saturday, September 22, 2012


The 333 Year Return of  Comet I SON September This Year 2013

This is an article by Scott @

I am still working on this study but from what I have seen from a couple of other established facts from others who have noticed something concurrent about the return cycle of this coming great comet Ison in this year----is that it might well have a dark side to its comet tail!!!
When I say dark side I mean a death side!!
There is increasing evidence that the Comet Ison is taking a very similar path through the heavens in much the same manner as the Great Comet of 1680!!!
There is some evidence that there were plagues during that year but not related exactly to this comet-there is some study needed to confirm this!!
But the Comet Negra of 1347 where the Black Death ravaged Europe might have been related to this comet-since there was a mystery surrounding how this plague was spread-some think by lack of sterization; but that could have been one factor only among the other more original factors involved!!
There seems to have been a killer wave or Tsunami created in the year 1014 AD by a comet fragment dropping into the sea off England!!
There is a more obscure reference to a Comet in 684AD!!
But then the records become more rare because it was difficult to date events any further back with utmost accuracy!!
Now mind you these events above were at exactly 333 years apart!!!
This would make the Comet ISON a 333 years return event!!!
Amazing that number 333!! The same as in the God Trinity!!
So with some dates in mind by subtracting 333 years from 2013AD and 1680 AD and 1347AD and 1014AD and 681 AD!!! I took this 333 years subtraction back to the year 1317 BC!!!
To my amazement when I googled the Exodus in 1317 AD!!! Guess what came up!!! The very biblical year for the Exodus in the Bible!!
I was always of the persuasion that the date of Exodus was in 1445BC!!
But this has been challenged by the number of ways that the years of calculating the times of the Judges and the years the jews were in bondage and other dating methods being brought into play just cannot accurately arrive at a logical date for the Exodus!!
Here are a few websites where I got this above information:
1014 AD Impact event causes Atlantic Tsunami and end of Aztec's Fourth Sun? www.
Comet ISON
Dating the Exodus:
The reason why I think this year of 1317 BC is most likely the time of the Exodus and the time of the earlier COMET ISON visit to earth; is that the plagues in Egypt both sound very similar to the first trumpet judgments in Revelation 8:7--->!!
In Egypt there was a plague of Hailstones and Fire mixed with Blood!!
The Blood rain could most likely be the gas or poisonous Cyienigen(Spelled wrong) Which some comets contain and release when the earth passes through the debris in its long tail!!!!
The water turning a blood red color is most likely this chemical in the tail of the comet falling to earth and polluting the water and air!!!
People breathing this into their lungs would most likely be effected and the effects on the firstborn can be explained as I heard it given on a History Channel special one time!!! They did not tie it with a comet event but it still could have been related --you would have to see the program and follow their explanation-I can't remember the details of the theory-but it is a believable theory or explanation!!
On my next research message I will go into detail in explaining how I think and believe Comet ISON will play in explaining the events in Revelation 8:1---7 ; as I do believe the events in heaven will be played out on the earth below with this Comet in the sky!!
The reason the people on earth are hidding in Revelation 6 under the sixth seal is because there is a savage meteor shower(stars falling from the sky) and they are hidding in underground shelters to avoid breathing or getting pelted by these hailstones of fire and laced copper-colored reddish chemicals in the Comets tail!!! This explains the term in Revelation 8:7 about the angel throwing Hailstones and Fire Mixed with Blood to the earth-noticed it doesn't say ----Hailstones and Fire were thrown to the earth mixed with blood-that would indicate a loss of life!!! But this blood color is most likely the reddish gas or posionous chemical that makes up many Cometary bodies!! That is how we know that this verse is talking about a Comet and nothing else!!
The same wording used in the Exodus plague before the Jews were released from bondage!!
But this time around the jews will be entering bondage and a time of seven years testing under the tribulation period!
The Comet Ison will pass by the earth in the Fall and Winter of this year 2013---but then in January 2014 the earth will actually pass through the tail of this comet to witness a very impressive Meteor Shower----> but it is not yet know as to what this meteor shower might contain in its composition!!!
The reason why I say this is because if this is indeed the Comet that has been making sweeps through our galaxy on 333 year circuits; and if it was the cause of the plagues during the Exodus of Egypt in 1317BC and The Great Black Death of 1347 AD----then this earth is in store for some amazing wrath from the Lamb and from the throne of God in heaven!!!
I will have a concise timeline when these events could take place using Comet Isons already established timeline by the astronomy community and my own which may match the events in Revelation chapters 6-8!!!
I will not twist the events to fit my timelines because they already seem to be falling into the natural pattern of alignment --- both in the heavens and on the earth!!!