Friday, September 21, 2012

Laws That Govern Us

Laws That Govern Us and the Universe

Throughout the Universe we see God's workings in the laws which govern it, all the stars, planets and moons, indeed every celestial body go about their courses in accordance with the laws of gravity, electromagnetics etc. We also see a law of sowing and reaping, be not deceived; (Gal 6:7) God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap) we see this in our environment if we disrupt this harmony (break these laws) which governs our physical world we reap many harmful side effects, we have become in debt to these laws.

Like the laws that govern our physical world, so are there laws which govern our moral and ethical world, we know intrinsically that we should not murder, steal, commit adultery, bare false witness, lie, etc. The bible says even though we may not have been raised in these laws we do by nature the things contained in the law, these show the work of the law written on our hearts, our conscience also bearing witness to the fact. Rom 1:14-16.

Our Standards vs Gods
We often judge ourselves, our actions, our behavior, what we say, and how we live etc. by our own standards. Often when we use our own standards to measure ourselves, we look pretty good, especially when we compare ourselves with others, like Adolph Hitler and other murderers, rapists, bank robbers etc., I use to do the same, and wrongly still do quite often, if we are honest with ourselves, you would say the same likewise. To see ourselves in true light we must examine ourselves by God's perfect law, which is not tainted or prejudice like our standards.

This little story illustrates this for us; a little girl remarked to her mother how clean some sheep looked against the green grass. Then, as snow began to fall, this same girl noticed how dirty the sheep looked against the white snow. The background made all the difference.

If you and I judge ourselves using the background of human standards, we come up quite clean. We can find plenty of people who are worse than us. The average person as said before looks almost pure compared to an Adolph Hitler. God however will not judge us using human standards, but by the absolute standard of His Law, the Ten Commandments.

Until the snow fell, the little girl did not know what real purity was.

If we are honest with ourselves, we will acknowledge that we have broken at least some of Gods Laws if not by deed, then by thought, we see the outworking’s of this and the consequences it produces in our lives and throughout the world. The order of the universe shows us that if we break a law, we are in debt to it, to say otherwise would be to live in denial.

Debt Free
How do we restore this harmony become debt free to the law? You may try to be a better person pray, fast, meditate, go to church feed the poor, but still be in debt, these things can be commendable but often only leads us to self-righteousness (I’m not as bad as so and so because I do, or I’ve done, or I don’t do. Every person, you, me whether priest, monk, saint, butcher or baker the whole of humanity is in the very same predicament bankrupt and in debt to the law.

What must we do? How can we receive payment for our debts? We all have to go to the same person, one who is debt free, one who can and has paid our debts in full, one who can stand in your place, one who never broke the law on your behalf, one who lived perfectly by the law on your behalf, one who was able to place your debts upon himself and pay the ultimate price death itself on your behalf, putting to death your debts by his life and death, fulfilling God's Laws, His universal and just requirements.

When we go to the philosopher and all the other religions of the world and ask what must I do to find peace with God they will tell you to do this, do that and the other, true religion that is found in the pages of the bible says it is done, Jesus has done it, on our behalf, before the law we are found guilty, sentenced and held captive, Jesus paid our ransom price to set us free by the payment of His life (living his life 100% obedient to the law on our behalf) By His death  (shedding his blood for our debts dying the death we deserved) By His resurrection from the dead for us. The law and death had no legal hold over him. And now we can with Him be raised to new life, all our debts past, present and future having been paid for, and now settled, we are no longer under the law and in debt, but under the law of Grace.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. You must turn your faith and trust in yourself to try to get right standing with God, which only leads to self-righteousness, and put your faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, and what he has done, to give us right standing and peace before God and His just and perfect law.

By grace you are saved (forgiven, saved from eternal death) by faith; and that not of yourself (not based on anything you have done), lest anyone should boast, it is the free gift from God.

Berean Spirited.


The Bible speaks of a Day of Judgment,It tells us to flee from the wrath to come. I believe that day is fast approaching. The Word of God says that today is the day of salvation. We don't know what tomorrow may bring. We may find ourselves standing before God before we know it.

Say this prayer: Lord I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived without you; I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, thank you for saving me amen.

Without Gods forgiveness and His pardon through Jesus Christ we will stand naked before God with all our sins. Found in such a state, God being a just God, will have no choice but to judge you according to the full weight of the law. The Wrath of God will also be displayed in the day of His Judgement upon all those on the Earth. On that day if you are not found in Christ, made one of His, God will see you as a rebel and you will be judged along with all those who appose God and His divine authority. You can only be in one of two Kingdoms, the one of Gods or the one of Satan's. Choose today who you will serve.

Before the Great Tribulation spoken of in Revelations starts in full, God has made a way of escape for His people read Thessalonians Ch. 4:17. If you are His you will be eternally secure, and enjoy life with Him forever more no matter what happens. If you go through the Great Tribulation it will be a time of severe testing. Read Revelations, with out Gods help few will survive. People Who survive the catastrophes will be forced by the Anti-Christ to receive the mark of the Beast read Revelations 13:16.

What must I do...

The Bible says, that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."

These are not words to be spoken lightly. You must have an repented heart, truly sorry of your rebelliousness toward God. Repented of your own self-righteousness. Of contrite spirit and broken hearted, before God.

If you believe God has bought you from darkness into His Glorious light, that you have been Born Again into Gods Kingdom (read John 3:7) I greet you with a warm welcome, I encourage you to find other Bible believing Born Again Christians to fellowship with and read His Word the Bible.
Please email me with any questions.

God Bless You